Endometrial (Uterine) Cancer Screening

The uterus is a hollow and pear-shaped pelvic organ where a baby develops, and it’s lined with a special tissue known as the endometrium. Thus, when cancer starts growing in the layer of cells that create the uterus lining, it’s referred to as endometrial cancer. Furthermore, most cancers of the uterus are endometrial cancer. It’s also widely known as uterine cancer. Other kinds of cancer can grow in the uterus, like uterine sarcoma, but they are much less common compared to endometrial cancer.

Risk Factors for Endometrial Cancer

Generally, endometrial cancer is found in women past menopause. Thus, postmenopausal women have a high risk for endometrial cancer if they:

  • Experienced menopause late
  • Are obese
  • Got their first period pretty early
  • Have diabetes or high blood pressure
  • Have a family history of colorectal, endometrial or breast cancer
  • Have few or no children
  • Have a record of infertility, uneven periods, or unusual cells in the endometrium (known as endometrial hyperplasia)

Hence, endometrial cancer is usually identified at an early stage as it regularly generates unusual vaginal bleeding. If endometrial cancer is diagnosed early, detaching the uterus surgically often cures endometrial cancer.

When is Endometrial Cancer Screening Recommended?

Endometrial cancer (uterine cancer) screening is basically recommended for women at high risk. That’s due to the higher chance of getting the disease. Moreover, having an increased risk doesn’t always mean you’ll literally get endometrial cancer. Nevertheless, you must start with regular screening exams. So, even if you do get cancer, your trusted doctor diagnoses it as early as possible.

Like any other disease, if found early, the chances for successfully treating endometrial cancer are excellent. Besides regular exams, you must have practice awareness. It means you must know all about your body. Thus, making it easy for you to notice all the changes such as irregular discharge or bleeding and consult your doctor without further delays.

Check out the screening schedule mentioned below:

  • Transvaginal ultrasound every year
  • Endometrial biopsy every year