Lung Cancer Screening

Nowadays, lung cancer screening is usually recommended only for adults at increased risk. It’s due to the fact that they have a higher possibility of getting the diseases. Moreover, the only suggested screening tests for lung cancer are low-dose computed tomography and low-dose CT scan or LDCT. During an LDCT scan, you need to stay put on a table, and an X-ray machine utilizes a low dose (amount) of radiation to make well-detailed images of your lungs. Thus, the scan barely takes some minutes and is not at all painful.

Most importantly, if you’re at a high risk of lung cancer, it doesn’t literally mean you will get the disease. So, if you do get the disease, your trusted doctor should diagnose it at its earliest stage. When detected early, the chances of successfully treating the disease are much higher.

Thus, you must get screening exam for lung cancer if you:

  • Smoking regularly or a former smoker who quit in the last 15 years.
  • Have a 30-pack-year smoking history. For instance, one pack a day for about 30 years or two packs a day for almost 15 years.

So, if you fall into these categories, ensure to follow the screening schedule mentioned below:

Age 55 to 80

  • You must get a low-dose computerized tomography (CT or CAT scan) every year.

Above all, do cross-check with your insurance provider before scheduling a screening exam.

But if you’re still in a dilemma, whether lung cancer screening is best for you or not? Worry not; get your lung cancer screening chat printed and share it with your trusted doctor. Apart from the essential exams, be familiar with your body. It will allow you to notice cough changes that don’t go away or severe chest pain. Ensure to report them all to your doctor without delay.

Lastly, the lung cancer screening recommendations only apply to adults who are expected to live for about 10 years. These are not for adults who are diagnosed with a health condition that may make it tough to detect or treat lung cancer.